RDS: "With familiarity the profound becomes mundane. With passion the mundane becomes profound."...... Saul Bellow :" A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep." ......MORE PHOTOS @ saunterings.com

Wednesday, August 12, 2009



Early August usually means that the streams around here are running fairly quiet, but excess rain has given them a rage.

Quiet summer thoughts seem out of place standing near a maddening stream, but a calm pond filled to the brink, on a pleasant summer evening, a perfect, soul reflecting spot.

August sun slants the horizon more each day as the days shorten, the march towards the solstice quickens.

The deep-blue reflected sky on the pond is deceiving, from a different angle the pond is brown from the heavy rains. With camera in hand perspective is everything, poetic photography!!

Quiet along the pond a few details.

The late sun gives sustenance to a small beech struggling on the shady forest floor for its moment in the sun.

Along the waters edge wild bergamot blooms, less showy than it's cousin beebalm's brilliant red but I like it's fragrant foliage better.

And what would summer be without the ubiquitous Queen Anne's Lace. This flower head caught my eye by facing sideways, not flat, and catching the back-lit sky, it's fabled tiny purple bloom so clear in the center.

The final photo is just my back yard, where I like to dance in the morning dew!


Anonymous said...

Great photos! I love how colorful they all are!

Linnea said...

Nature at its best and you've captured it beautifully!

Tammie Lee said...

you have captured the summer light beautifully in your flowers and reflections!

Jim said...

Love the scenery and the reflections.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

RH said...

So calm and beautiful!

Sherri B. said...

So incredibly beautiful! You've captured the sunlight to perfection in these photos. As always, I'm inspired by your perceptions, both through the lens and through your thoughts.

About the Sauntering Recluse

My photo
Ithaca, New York
Greenhouse operater well-rooted, now branching out. Photo and writing interests now springing from a long term dormancy.



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