RDS: "With familiarity the profound becomes mundane. With passion the mundane becomes profound."...... Saul Bellow :" A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep." ......MORE PHOTOS @ saunterings.com

Sunday, February 8, 2009



Out of the frigid night
When demon’s haunt….

Escape! Escape! Escape!
It’s not an option though.
The worst is stuck in here
Here, in the head, the race is lost
The mind cannot out run.
Reminders ever reappear
In unexpected places
To mock good thoughts
Into oblivion.


Retreats the goodness in an instant
When demons do appear
Many a pleasant moment,
Dashed by fleeting thought
Recalls the demon’s presence
When absence cannot be bought
With fresh currency of good thought.

Away, away, away you demons that do haunt.
Banished forever from my kingdom
The kingdom of my thought,
Invited not you are
To ruin another day.

There is a part within all of us,
Needing constant taming down
For suddenly, from depths unknown
The demons rush right in.
Rising from the backwaters of the mind,
Twisting angels into nefarious beings,
Demons everywhere appear.
Common-place death, death to the demons.
Let good spirit override.

Our alter ego, evil,
Its ugly head arises
Out of completely nothing
His vision can appear
To mock the pleasant nature
That civility wants to hear.
Visions that are that vivid
Must reality based appear.

Save me from myself,
Elevate my thoughts,
Oh unseen Muse,
Betray me not in time of need
For sanity is at stake.
The tide of battle hinges now,
With room for no mistake.
So unseen Muse, return,
Return to strengthen my resolve.
An evil genie just released
Seems impossible to contain.

Why does one stray, evil vision
Over power a multitude of good?
Fearfully it seems,
One’s nature drifts towards what it is,
Not what it wants to be.
Demons of self doubt
Stifle much that is so good.
So vanish demons of self-doubt
So vanish demons of the soul.


Movement through
The tangle of one’s self
Light and love distract.

The tale is much confused,
More than slightly twisted.

Each day’s light impresses,
Forever does it change,
Perceptions of affections
Of when we love and why.

The photo is the sun backlighting the filaments of the seeds of the native clematis commonly called Virgin's Bower. It flowers early summer and the seeds form in late fall.
The color is from the sunlight, the seed filaments are actually white.


Denise said...

Lovely photo, love the shadows and very nice poem.

Sherri B. said...

This was a beautiful 'entanglement' of thoughts...self and love most definitely can get tangled up at times. Thank goodness for the light that always casts some sort of a glow. Your photograph and words struck deeply again. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

Judy said...

I like the irridescence in this photo! And some of the water photos in the next post, too
Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I don't know what that's a picture of but I really like it. I like the feathery quality and the way the light catches it. Really nice!

Bruce Miller said...

fantastic rainbow speckles, so subtle and so important.

Sherri B. said...

Oh wow...your photos of the tree bark were so perfect to represent the turmoil of 'demon thoughts'!

Tumblewords: said...

Your photography is outstanding. The poem says so much and the layering is superb...

About the Sauntering Recluse

My photo
Ithaca, New York
Greenhouse operater well-rooted, now branching out. Photo and writing interests now springing from a long term dormancy.



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