RDS: "With familiarity the profound becomes mundane. With passion the mundane becomes profound."...... Saul Bellow :" A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep." ......MORE PHOTOS @ saunterings.com

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Dylan Thomas

Sauntering is an amazing activity. By allowing time to free range in thought and location, with contented solitude, with all senses open, awareness of self and non-self comes to the forefront. The ease that so much of nature is overlooked, yet readily available to the willing, in virtually any environment, astonishes. Awareness is life’s greatest gift, not easily learned, but infinitely rewarding.
Become an open vessel, willing, child-like, to accept from all the senses, the harvest of ages.
Unlocking the secrets of the universe is really unlocking the secrets of the self for we are all an integral part of this universe, a product of the long slow process that is the geological and biological journey of the planet earth, a one-way entropy journey, never to be repeated.
Glory in your personal journey of temporary entropy reduction!!
During almost every walk things are seen that really encapsulate the moment, season or location. Seeking that special something, finding and composing a photograph around it brings great satisfaction. The photograph etches the time and place, allowing revisits, visual and emotional. The feelings flood back, even decades later. Each photograph’s original concept is part of you, a treasure-trove of personal joy.
The great joy in photography is to catch the moment, catch the many moods, ephemeral by their very nature. Capture the memory in the moment. What you see should reflect what you feel. This is what is communicated in a well thought out photograph as opposed to a snapshot. The act of carefully composing a photo causes a certain inner idea to be brought out, the oneness of the place and the photographer.
The act of composing entails elimination of the unnecessary and emphasizing the concept, the uniqueness, the emotion of the time, the location and even the photographer. The state of mind is at least as important as the location, good pictures are everywhere.

The close of day can be as the dawn of creation with golden sunlight unleashing eternal beauty. The common place takes on a momentary magic, transformed for a cosmic instant into epic glory, fit only for the eyes of gods, not mere mortals. Thus are the origins of mythical places.

Streams of gold lay before you,
The woods ablaze in yellow sunlight,
Patterns, patterns moving patterns,
Wavelets, wavelets traveling wavelets,
Vibrating harmonies for receptive souls,
Music for the eyes attuned to see,
Ceaseless change, constant patterns,
A symphony in the Garden of Eden.

The Sunshine Speaks to Those That Listen

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About the Sauntering Recluse

My photo
Ithaca, New York
Greenhouse operater well-rooted, now branching out. Photo and writing interests now springing from a long term dormancy.



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