RDS: "With familiarity the profound becomes mundane. With passion the mundane becomes profound."...... Saul Bellow :" A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep." ......MORE PHOTOS @ saunterings.com

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


April 17, 2013     
    Mid-April the sun is warm, a slight drift from the north renders cool the shade. Better a cool dry April with little mud and not excessive heat. Spring last year, like the winter, never was, from freeze to summer in March and then very damaging frosty nights late April when all was too advanced. With early leafing and flowering, so different was the sun, much lower on the horizon, when spring was quickly sprung.    

    Today the first bud break of spring, wild rose and honeysuckle leaves. Other woody buds are swelling, but these show true color and begin to mist the woods with green and tinge red. Some winter rosettes of perennial plants color a bit earlier, even at first melt of snow, but no new growth perceived on most yet.

About the Sauntering Recluse

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Ithaca, New York
Greenhouse operater well-rooted, now branching out. Photo and writing interests now springing from a long term dormancy.



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