RDS: "With familiarity the profound becomes mundane. With passion the mundane becomes profound."...... Saul Bellow :" A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep." ......MORE PHOTOS @ saunterings.com

Saturday, May 9, 2009



In the ageless drama
Where life meets earth,
Gripping great strength
From that so fragile,
Brief moment in the sun,
Living defies the vastness,
The vastness of eternity.

Where tree and earth unite,
The struggle of life is seen.
Roots cleave, mine solid rock,
No apparent rhyme or reason,
Except to live,
Cling and claw at life,
And fight against the ages.

Soft and fragile, temporary and new,
Leaves harden to root and trunk sinew,
Course of season stolen from eternity,
Moot testimony, giving life its due.


This posting is dedicated to the memory of
Mary Lou Keifer
“roots show such strength of character”
as did she!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness..this is beautiful and shows so well what some might take for granted....This is great.. Thank you for adding this to Nature Notes....Michelle

Carver said...

I love these photographs and the poem too. I always find exposed roots to be so beautiful.

Beth P. said...

amazing photos!!

roots are primal in us--

Leora said...

Big tree roots! A creative approach to a Nature Note. You write well; thanks for sharing. "cling and claw at life"

Sherri B. said...

Oh my gosh...this poem is stunning. Beautiful! I'm so happy to be catching up with all your posts. This one moves me deeply.

About the Sauntering Recluse

My photo
Ithaca, New York
Greenhouse operater well-rooted, now branching out. Photo and writing interests now springing from a long term dormancy.



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