RDS: "With familiarity the profound becomes mundane. With passion the mundane becomes profound."...... Saul Bellow :" A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep." ......MORE PHOTOS @ saunterings.com

Saturday, February 28, 2009



Continued circles of earth to sun
Decrease our allotment one by one.

Circles within circles valid no more,
The present is now, past is but lore.
Circles within circles even still last,
As new life grows, covering the past.

Look to the past to show the way,
Only as a guide it’s valid to say,
For future circles, as yet unknown,
Perfect will be always never alone.


Too perfect is the circle,
Round and round eternally.

Today it is so perfect,
Ditto all the yesterdays,
Tomorrow more the same.

Nothing to mark the time,
To show the wear and tear,
And character that that gives.
For this and many reasons
The being’s all a sham.

Perfect beings, circles,
Perfection one can fear,
Perfect every boring way.


I’d rather be a gear!!



Yesterday the wind
With snaps and howls,
Whipped thoughts
Right from my dread-filled head.
Reality flew away,
Leaving fear to stay.

Until the devil moves along,
Defiance is in vain,
Either stand, be brave
or cower half-insane.

Today the quiet has returned,
Free flowing thoughts are norm.
Survival has survived.



SandyCarlson said...

Circular movement helps us look back and forward at the same time, I suppose. But to be a gear is to get a grip!

Sherri B. said...

Yesterday the wind
With snaps and howls,
Whipped thoughts
Right from my dread-filled head.
Reality flew away,
Leaving fear to stay.

Beautifully written...I'm glad your quiet returned. And I loved your sense of humor in the last line about wanting to be a gear! :~)

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the use of gears in this circle prompt!

Quiet Paths said...

Thought provoking piece; I too like the concept of gears added to your imagery.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your pictures and your thoughts..."as new life grows, covering the past"
Well done-

Cassiopeia Rises said...

Loved all of your poems. The circle poem is very clever and your photos are nice and round if a bit rough. As far as the wind blowing away your sanity, don't worry. I lost mine years ago. Awesome work.


Tumblewords: said...

Thoughtful words and photos - a gear is a good thing! I enjoyed your post...

Jim said...

I like these. They make us think about things that are, that could be, and could never be.
Your first poem reminds me of the terrible job we've been doing lately as 'stewards of God's good earth.'
I might like to be a gear, but I still, even at my old age, would rather be me.

Patois42 said...

Very nicely done. The desire to be a gear: I can understand that.

Nathan said...

I really like your work. I walk in the countryside most days- mostly in awe of everything I see- and your words and photos really pick out the immense intricacies in everything around us

Judy said...

I love both of these photos, showing that what we make fades back into the world of nature!!

About the Sauntering Recluse

My photo
Ithaca, New York
Greenhouse operater well-rooted, now branching out. Photo and writing interests now springing from a long term dormancy.



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